Softwares for Medical and Metallurgy
Your Image Analysis Partner
Metacheck Plus+ is designed to study & control the micro structure of Metals & Alloys. This software is useful for inspection, quality control & R&D in various industries like Steel, Iron Casting, Aluminum, Copper, Light & Heavy Metal forging, Fastener, Automobile & many more where microstructure is to be analyzed for quality control. Easy & User friendly menu for analysis. Step by Step easy procedural inbuilt modules, including Linear Measurement of Captured images and Report Generation.
Image Acquisition: Acquire Images are taken from high resolution Twain Camera or CCD Analog Camera.
Metallography Modules:
Grain Size: With accordance to DIN, JIS, ASTME 112, & ASTME 1382, with various methods like Manual Trace, Comparison Method, Single Grain measurement, ALA & Interception method.
Phase Percentage: Identify multiple phases within Micro structure. Also delineate phases from the histogram as per ASTM Standard E562 & E1245.
Layer Depth: To Measure depth or width of decarburisation / carborisation as per ASTM 1077 standard.
Coating Thickness: This application rapidly measures the thickness or width of a coating at multiple positions along a sample as per ASTM B487 standard.
Nodularity in accordance to ASTM A247 MEASURE Nodularity as per ASTM 247 standard. The Nodules & Flakes are separated on the basis of its shape and aspect radio.
Porosity: With accordance to ASTM B276 , measurement of each pore is displayed.
Particle Measurement Density Count & Classification: Identification of objects in an image, count them, obtain several features measurements. Objects identification by user or automatically. User defined classification on basis of size or intensity.
Reports: Report generation facility into MS Excel or Customized Form Built in for user.
Other Measurement & Filters Measurement on Captured Images: Facility to measure Angle, Length , Width, Radius, Perimeter, and Calibration
Filters: Background subtraction and contrast enhancement of color or grayscale images Arithmetic image functions (Boolean Math; Add, AND, OR, XOR, DIFF, MIN, MAX, +, -, /, *, And Simple).
Routine Filter: Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Blur, Noise Remove, Emboss, Engrave, Gamma R, Gamma G, Gamma B, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Mosaic, Smooth, Desaturation, Pseudo Color, Colorize, Oilify, Despeckle, Posterize.
Special Filter and Karnels: High Boost, High Spatial, Low Pass Spatial, Ranking (Max, Med, Min), Point detection, Line detection, Homogeneity.
Your Image Analysis Partner
Metacheck Plus+ is 2D linear measurement software to measure 2D parameter like Length, Angle, Radius, Perimeter Etc, it is essential software for R&D and Analytic Study of Life Sciences, Material Sciences, Geology, Textile, Automobile, Chemical and other various components. Measurement Plus+ comes with facility of Report Generation.
Capture: Acquire Images form File, Twain Camera or CCD Analog Camera.
(i) Spartial Calibration
(ii) Line measurements for Distance, Length, Width, Perimeter, Angle, Three Point Radius.
(iii) Area by enclosed line controlled by four arrow keys available
(i) Three options: Direct printout with original image processed Image & Tabular results
(ii) Export to MS Office or Excel for further modification.
Imaging Tools:
(a) Cut, Copy, and Paste,
(b) Selected copy by free hand with zoom preview.
(c) Crop, duplicate, restore
(d) Resize & Compress
(e) Save File As BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG
(f) Spray with selected color at selected portion.
(g) Grid creation; 5X5, 10X10 & 100X100 lines
(h) Annotation Tools to draw & write
(i) Pointer
(j) Eraser
(k) Camera Lucida
(l) Focus Enhancement
(m) Image stitching
(n) Highlighter
(a) Zoom inout
(b) Rotation of image to fixed or Custom degree
(c) Mirror / Flipping of Images on Horizontal & Vertical Axis
(d) Image Histogram
(e) Image Information.
Image Process: Background subtraction and contrast enhancement of color or monochrome images Arithmetic image functions (Boolean Math; Add, AND, OR, XOR, DIFF, MIN, MAX, +, -, /, *, And Simple).
Filters: Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Blur, Noise Remove, Emboss, Engrave, Gamma R, Gamma G, Gamma B, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Mosaic, Smooth, Desaturation, Pseudo Color, Colorize, Oilify, Despeckle, Postarize. SPECIAL FILTERS & KARNELS High Boost, High Spatial, Low Pass Spatial, Ranking (Max, Med, Min), Point detection, Line detection, Homogeneity.
Edge Detection: Laplacing, Sobel, Kirsch, Prewitt Gradient, Shift & Difference, Combine, Contrast Base, Quick, Range And Variance.
Morphometry: Skelotizing, Pruning, SKIZ, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Smoothing, Histogram Peak, Histogram Valley, Segmentation by Over/Under and Quantized, Contouring, Dilation / Erosion on Binary, Gray & colored Images, Opening/ Closing on Gray & Binary Images, Special Opening/Closing, Split/Combine Of RGB, YUV, YIQ, XYZ, & HSL, Changing any Image to 1, 4, 8 & 24 Bits, Medial Axis. Transformation, Halftone. Image Addition, Image Average, Image Subtraction, Image Multiplication.